134. Stella Splendens
Virelai, Catalogne / Espagne. Tiré du manuscrit Llibre Vermell de Montserrat (~1399).
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(Ref.) Stella splendens in monte, ut solis radium Miraculis serrato, exaudi populum. 1. Concurrunt universi gaudentes populi, Divites et egeni, grandes et parvuli, Ipsum ingrediuntur, ut cernunt oculi, Et inde revertuntur graciis repleti. (Ref.) 2. Principes et magnates ex stirpe regia, Saeculi potestates optenta venia Peccaminum proclamant tundentes pectora. Poplite flexo clamant hic : Ave Maria. (Ref.) 3. Prelati et barones, comites incliti, Religiosi omnes atque presbyteri, Milites, mercatores, cives, marinari Burgenses, piscatores praemiantur ibi. (Ref.) 4. Rustici, aratores, nec non notarii, Advocati, scultores, cuncti ligni fabri, Sartores et sutores, nec non lanifici, Artifices et omnes gratulantur ibi. (Ref.) 5. Reginae, comitissae,illustres dominae, Potentes et ancillae, juvenes, parvulae Virgines et antiquae, pariter viduae Conscendunt et hunc montem, et religiosae. (Ref.) 6. Coetus hii aggregantur hic ut exhibeant Vota regratiantur ut ipsa et reddant Aulam istam ditantes, hoc cuncti videant, Iocalibus ornantes, soluti redeant. (Ref.) 7. Cuncti ergo precantes sexus utriusque, Mentes nostras mundantes oremus devote Virginem gloriosam, matrem clementiae, In coelis gratiosam sentiamus vere. (Ref.)
Traduction en anglais:
Splendid star on the serrated mountain (Montserrat),
Shining with wonders like a sunbeam, hear the people.
From all around they rally, rejoicing,
rich and poor, young and old,
they assemble here to see with their own eyes,
and return from it filled with grace.
Rulers and magnates of royal stirpes,
the mighty of the world, having obtained indulgence
for their sin, they cry out and beating their breast
they kneel and cry here: Ave Maria.
Prelates and barons, famous counts,
all kinds of monks and priests,
soldiers, merchants, citizens, sailors,
burgers and fishermen are recompensed here.
Peasants, ploughmen and also scribes,
advocates, stone-masons and all carpenters,
tailors and shoemakers, and weavers as well,
all kinds of craftsmen rejoice here.
Queens, countesses, illustrious ladies
powerful and maidens, teenagers and girls,
virgins, old women and widows equally,
climb this mountain; so do nuns.
All these groups assemble here to present their vows,
and they also grateful so that they keep (their vows)
by enriching this shrine, so that all see it,
decorating it with jewels, and return home released.
Therefore, everybody, male and female,
beseeching and cleansings our minds, let us devoutly pray
that we may really experience that the glorious virgin,
the clement mother, is gracious (full of grace) in heaven.
Source: https://dick.wursten.be/Vermell_originaltexts_translations.htm