
  • 196. The Haughs of Cromdale

    196. The Haughs of Cromdale

    Chanson traditionnelle, Ecosse (après 1690). 1. As I come in by Auchindoun Just a wee bit frae the toun To the Hi’lands I was bound To view the Haughs of Cromdale I met a man in tartan trews Spiered at him (asked) what was the news Quo’ he, « The Hi’land army rues That e’er we…

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  • 194. The Maid of Amsterdam

    194. The Maid of Amsterdam

    Chanson de marins (sea shanty), Grande-Bretagne (XVIIe siècle). 1. In Amsterdam there lived a maid Mark well what I do say ! In Amsterdam there lived a maid And she was mistress of her trade I’ll go no more a-roving with you, fair maid ! (Ref.) A-roving, a-roving Since roving’s been my ruin, I’ll go…

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  • 186. Cam’ Ye O’er Frae France

    186. Cam’ Ye O’er Frae France

    Chant traditionnel, Ecosse (XVIIIe siècle). 1. Cam ye o’er frae France? Cam ye down by Lunnon? Saw ye Geordie Whelps and his bonny woman? Were ye at the place ca’d the Kittle Housie? Saw ye Geordie’s grace riding on a goosie? 2. Geordie, he’s a man there is little doubt o’t; He’s done a’ he…

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  • 154. Scots Wha Hae

    154. Scots Wha Hae

    Chant de type hymne, Ecosse. Traditionnel. 1. Scots, wha hae wi’ Wallace bled, Scots, wham Bruce has aften led, Welcome tae your gory bed, Or tae victorie. Now’s the day, and now’s the hour: See the front o’ battle lour, See approach proud Edward’s power, Chains and slaverie. 2. Wha will be a traitor knave?…

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  • 139. I’m a Rover, Seldom Sober

    139. I’m a Rover, Seldom Sober

    Chanson traditionnelle, Ecosse. 1. There’s ner a night that I’m going to ramble Ner a night that I’m going to roam There’s ner a night that I’m going to ramble ‘Tae the airms of my ain true love 2. Though the night dark as a dungeon Not a star to be seen above I’ll take…

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  • 109. Loch Lomond

    109. Loch Lomond

    Chanson traditionnelle, Ecosse. 1. By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes, Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond, Where me and my true love were ever wont to gae, On the bonnie, bonnie banks o’ Loch Lomond. (Ch.) O ye’ll tak’ the high road, and I’ll tak’ the low road, And I’ll…

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  • 101. Cam’ Ye By Athol

    101. Cam’ Ye By Athol

    Chanson traditionnelle, Ecosse. Par James Hogg, Neil Gow (XIXe siècle). 1. Cam’ ye by Athol, lad wi’ the philabeg, Down by the Tummel, or banks of the Garry? Saw ye the lads, wi’ their bonnets an’ white cockades, Leaving their mountains to follow Prince Charlie. (Ch.) Follow ye, follow ye, wha wadna follow ye? Long…

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  • 78. Ye Jacobites By Name

    78. Ye Jacobites By Name

    Chanson traditionnelle, Ecosse. Texte par Robert Burns, mélodie traditionnelle (Composée quelque part entre 1688 et 1746). (Ref.) Ye Jacobites by name, give an ear, give an ear, Ye Jacobites by name, give an ear, Ye Jacobites by name, Your fautes I will proclaim, Your doctrines I maun blame, you shall hear, you shall hear Your…

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  • 73. Scotland the Brave

    73. Scotland the Brave

    Chant de type hymne, Ecosse. Paroles par Cliff Hanley, mélodie traditionnelle. 1. Hark when the night is falling Hear! hear the pipes are calling, Loudly and proudly calling, Down thro’ the glen. There where the hills are sleeping, Now feel the blood a-leaping, High as the spirits of the old Highland men. (Ref.) Towering in…

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  • 67. Sound the Pibroch

    67. Sound the Pibroch

    Chanson traditionnelle, Ecosse. 1. Sound the pibroch loud and high Frae John o’ Groats tae Isle o’ Skye Let every clan their slogan cry Rise and follow Charlie (Ref.) ||| Tha tighin fodham, fodham, fodham Rise and follow Charlie 2. See that small devoted band By dark Loch Shiel have ta’en their stand And bravely…

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  • 66. The Braes o’ Killiecrankie

    66. The Braes o’ Killiecrankie

    Chanson traditionnelle, Ecosse. 1.Whaur hae ye been sae braw, lad?Whaur hae ye been sae brankie-o?Whaur hae ye been sae braw, lad?Cam’ ye by Killiecrankie-o?(Ref.)And ye had been whaur I hae beenYe wadna been sae cantie-oAnd ye had seen what I hae seenOn the braes o’ Killiecrankie-o2.I fought at land, I fought at seaAt hame I…

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  • 64. My Love She’s But A Lassie Yet

    64. My Love She’s But A Lassie Yet

    Chanson traditionnelle, Ecosse. Texte par Robert Burns (1789), mélodie traditionnelle. (Ref.) My love she’s but a lassie yet, Oh my love she’s but a lassie yet, We’ll let her stand a year or twa, She’ll no be half sae saucy yet. 1. |: I rue the day I sought her, o ! I rue the…

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  • 48. The Hills of Ardmorn

    48. The Hills of Ardmorn

    (COVER / REPRISE) Chanson contemporaine, Ecosse. Par Roy Williamson. Ce chant n’est pas sous licence libre, et appartient à son auteur/éditeur et à ses ayants-droits. Tous droits réservés à ces derniers. Si vous êtes titulaire des droits sur ce chant et désirez qu’il soit retiré, veuillez nous contacter. 1. Oh that I could hear the…

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  • 47. Johnny O’Braidislee

    47. Johnny O’Braidislee

    Poème épique sur le thème de la chasse, Ecosse. Traditionnel. 1. Johnny got up on a May mornin’ Called for water to wash his hands Says « Gie loose tae me my twa grey dugs That lie in iron bands » 2. Johnny’s mother she heard o’ this Her hands for dool she wrang Sayin’ « Johnny for…

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  • 18. McPherson’s Rant

    18. McPherson’s Rant

    Chanson traditionnelle, Ecosse. 1. Farewell ye dungeons dark and strong Farewell, farewell tae thee MacPhersons time will no be long On yonder gallow’s tree 2. It was by a woman’s treachorous hands That I was condemned tae dee She stood uben a windae ledge And a blanket threw o’er me (Ref.) Sae rantingly, sae wantonly…

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  • 10. Kishmul’s Galley

    10. Kishmul’s Galley

    Chant traditionnel, Ecosse. 1. High on the Bannochie On the day of days Seaward I gazed Watching Kishmul’s Galley sailing Ah hee, ah huo Fa lee ah huo 2. Bravely, against wind and tide They’ve brought her to ‘Neath Kishmul’s walls Kishmul’s Castle, our ancient glory Ah hee, ah huo Fa lee ah huo 3.…

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  • 1. Flower of Scotland

    1. Flower of Scotland

    Chant de type hymne, Ecosse, par Roy Williamson (1968). 1. O flower of Scotland When will we see your like again That fought and died for Your wee bit hill and glen And stood against him Proud Edward’s army And sent him homeward Tae think again 2. The hills are bare now And autumn leaves…

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